Advanced Yoga Poses
(Yoga for Seniors)

Yoga for Seniors - advanced yoga poses to inspire YOU! Wow! Supreme Yogini Pearl (octogenerian, meaning between 80 and 90 years of age) demonstrates Ardha Matsyendrasana effortlessly.

Known as Half Spinal Twist with advanced variation, her hands are clasped together behind her back. Notice she is smiling... not feeling any strain in this challenging yoga asana.

Enjoy inspiring advanced yoga poses from awesome seniors!

one of many advanced yoga poses from (yoga for seniors) yoga pictures collection of Rev Nancy Ash

A former 360 Yoga student of mine for about five years, Yogini Barbara performs a challenging yoga asana, the Boat Pose, Navasana, which requires great abdominal and back strength. As one of many difficult yoga poses for seniors, it should only be tried by those that don't have a chronic back issue.

Let's look at some more yoga pictures that I've collected throughout the years. Here's one I found that shows how to do Boat Pose with a strap (props) to help develop strength slowly while learning the fundamentals of the yoga asana. (Yes, this is me... alas, a long long time ago.)

one of many advanced yoga poses from (yoga for seniors) yoga pictures collection of Rev Nancy Ash

Okay… so I've also been offered an AARP card now. This is one of many yoga pictures from 25 years ago. As you can see I am showing how to support one leg up in Navasana. I've been teaching for decades and getting older, but not that old yet! You're as old as your spine.

Let's return to amazing real yoga for seniors...

Thank you! About Yogini Rev Nancy ~ your support helps so much to keep this website thriving

one of many advanced yoga poses from (yoga for seniors) yoga pictures collection of Rev Nancy Ash

Yogini Barbara is here again… so devoted to practice. Now she shows a yoga asana called Padmasana, aka the Lotus Pose, probably one of the most famous difficult yoga poses there is, except perhaps the Headstand. There are many (even famous) yoga teachers that cannot sit in full Lotus due to knee injury.

So, take heart if you can't do it yet...just gently practice. Avoid stress or strain. In 360 Yoga your Soul takes the wheel.

A few more yoga pictures to inspire you...

one of many advanced yoga poses from (yoga for seniors) yoga pictures collection of Rev Nancy Ash

Wow! My dear friend, Yogini Muriel (mid 80s) demonstrates a 360 Yoga asana, the Forward Bend Pose, Paschimottanasana. See her arms behind her back in the 'Namaste' Mudra? Incredible, huh? She has palms together effortlessly in this variation.

In these daily yoga for seniors classes she arrived smiling every day - a serious practitioner. She performed many advanced yoga poses with variations like this one.

Inspired yet?

Rev Nancy interviews new age music founder, Steven Halpern, PhD

More advanced yoga poses - awesome seniors!

one of many advanced yoga poses from (yoga for seniors) yoga pictures collection of Rev Nancy Ash

Yogini Shirley in her mid 70s demonstrates the yoga asana called the Bow Pose, Dhanurasana. As Yogacharya BKS Iyengar states in his classic text, Light on Yoga, page 102: "Elderly people do not normally do this, so their spines get rigid."

one of many advanced yoga poses from (yoga for seniors) yoga pictures collection of Rev Nancy Ash

Yogini Sandy is probably one of the youngest here demonstrating advanced yoga poses from my 360 Yoga for seniors classes. Here we see her in a yoga asana sometimes called the Camel Pose, Ustrasana.
In this attempt she's using the height of her feet (instead of a block prop) to prevent straining the back muscles. Notice the hips directly over the knees. Most people try to force the hands down to the feet too quickly moving the hips 'behind' the knees so they are no longer aligned.

one of many advanced yoga poses from (yoga for seniors) yoga pictures collection of Rev Nancy Ash

Remember the Yogini at the top of this page? Pearl is back showing the yoga asana called Eagle Pose, Garudasana, which is a most challenging balancing posture for anyone.

103 year young Yogini teaches Yoga!
Read her story, and see some of her yoga pictures

Click HERE for the astonishing & inspiring story

one of many advanced yoga poses from (yoga for seniors) yoga pictures collection of Rev Nancy Ash

Wow! This yoga asana is considered one of the more challenging advanced yoga poses in that it is an inverted posture.

Care needs to be taken so as not to strain the neck. Persons with high blood pressure and various other heart maladies must take caution... find a teacher.

Pearl shows the way without props. This is one of many yoga pictures you'll discover in this web-site; it does illustrate a lovely Plough Pose, Halasana, for anyone at any age.... don't you think?

Thanks for visiting today. I trust you are inspired?

Enjoy browsing around the sacred circle of "Doing a 360."

Namasté with love, Rev Dr Nancy

Another Page: Yoga Pictures (yoga for seniors)

What is 360 Yoga? Learn more "when the Soul meets the body"

"Do a 360" (three-sixty) circle to HOME from advanced yoga poses