Walking Meditation Techniques
"Doing a 360" Labyrinth Walk
One of many walking meditation techniques, ancient Labyrinth Walking is re-emerging today as a popular and powerful method. (Photos: Taos, New Mexico, 2010)
Welcome to the official "Doing a 360" web-site created and managed by The Reverend Dr. Nancy Ash,
A "Keeper" of the Circles
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Rev Nancy's radio show "Consider This" Topic: Labyrinth Ritual
Walking Meditation Techniques
Instructions When preparing for your sacred walk begin with intention. Stand in reverence to the Earth before you. Be silent and then perhaps you may wish to recite some meaningful prayers and/or mantras as you are guided. Ask a specific heartfelt question or be open for a "360" or all-encompassing experience. Let go of all discursive thought and trust as God, as Great Spirit, as Source, as The One Presence, as Buddha guides. The Labyrinth coaxes us to deep contemplation...
Walking a Labyrinth There is no right or wrong way to meditate in this way. Walk at a comfortable pace. Stay focused. Silence and imagination are nourished. Like many spiritual disciplines such as fasting, service and prayer, walking a labyrinth provides opportunity to be attentive to God's presence in every step of the way...
Each step that you take is presence. This experience is a metaphor for life. A labyrinth is a path to the center of the Soul, and then out again. It is a great tool for self-transformation, a "Doing a 360" heroic journey to the Self.
Just BE in the present moment. Relax and feel the center of your being… Feel your connection to Source.
Like a giant Tibetan Mandala...we walk, each step sacred.
Walking a labyrinth we embrace our center and dissolve this magical display into the shunyata, or great emptiness...
...then we walk out of the spiraling circle of life. We are calm, renewed and re-calibrated to a higher vibratory frequency. This whole-body prayer in sacred movement, heals.
Labyrinths appear in times of great change. Their unique portal locations or vortexes, link together as a divine matrix upon our precious earth. I have built a labyrinth. I am a "Keeper" of The Circles. I've been called by Mother Gaia to decorate a portal to her power, to create with her stones a place of peace on her skin. A refuge for the weary. A circle for the ages...

Build your own private labyrinth
Chapter 3 - Sacred Circle from Doing a 360 (labyrinth info)
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