Tibetan Buddhism Meditation Master Homage to His Eminence,
Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche
Tibetan Buddhism Meditation Master - Homage to His Eminence, Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche, Stainless Upholder of the Red Hat Lineage, the Nyingmapas of Tibetan Buddhism.
Master of the Dzogchen, the great completion, may you return swiftly for the sake of all sentient beings.
The lotus seeds have been sown… may all beings be happy!
Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche passes into Parinirvana...
On Saturday evening at 8:07, June 19th, 2010, after his usual extensive practice of Vajrakilaya, the Tibetan Buddhism Meditation Master, Ven. Khenchen Palden Sherab looked at his beloved younger brother, Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal and announced,
"My karma is now finished."
Then the great Dzogchen Master fearlessly and peacefully closed his eyes to leave this Earth Plane. His beautiful, conscious transition is an example of spiritual fulfillment in an astonishing life as an enlightened being. Though resting in joyful awe of his legacy, my heart aches for the true heart-friend that he was in this life. I was blessed to sit at the lotus feet of this Master for twenty-plus years. In honor of my root lama and great spiritual-father, I wrote this little poem for Khenchen Palden 48 hours prior to his passing:

Stainless Upholder of The Red Hat Lineage
Fearless One of the Three Times
I make obeisance to you.
Your light shines as the sun.
Your heart radiates as the moon.
Your mind radiates as the sky.
Merging with The Masters
The inexorable river flows...
Written in honor of Tibetan Buddhism Meditation Master, Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche by his loving spiritual friend, Pema Tingdron, in the mountains of New Mexico, June 17, 2010 ~
about this author
Ven. Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche, the elder of the two "Khenpo Brothers" as they were known throughout the world, was among the last generation of Tibetans fully educated in the monastic system of old Tibet. When he spoke of his life in Tibet, he referred to it as "ancient times." He resided and passed at the large monastery he built with his brother in upstate New York, USA, which he called Padma Samye Ling modeled after the great Samye monastery in Tibet.
Khenchen Palden was the founder of The Padmasambhava Buddhist Centers International with his brother, Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche. Visit the many PBC Sanghas for teachings, retreats and group practices in New York (Padma Samye Ling), California (Bay Area), Florida (five centers), Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Canada (Quebec and Montreal), India (3 Monasteries), Latvia and Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Stavropol).
His Eminence was an extraordinary worldwide Vajrayana Dzogchen Master and scholar, author of dozens of books illuminating the Nyingma Lineage. His brother now carries on the Nyingma message...
Visit this beautiful web-site of PBC
The early days…Cedar Key Retreat & (right) new USA citizens celebrate!
My surprise 40th b-day party in Florida

Homage to His Eminence, Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche, Stainless Upholder of the Red Hat Lineage, the Nyingmapas of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism.
Master of the Dzogchen, the great completion.
May he return swiftly for the sake of all sentient beings!
Thank you for visiting this page honoring my Spiritual Father and Root Lama since 1988, Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche. May these few words and photos bring great merit to many. I'm the creator and managing editor of this meditation methods web-site, Doing a 360. May all beings be happy! La Gyalo! Tashi Delegs! Rev. Dr. Nancy

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